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TECH Nominates Recognized Researcher in Climate, Urban Sustainability and Agriculture for Honorary Doctorate at AAU

Lagt online: 10.04.2024

The Technical Faculty of IT and Design has selected Cynthia Rosenzweig, Professor at Barnard College and Senior Scientist at NASA, USA, for an honorary doctorate at AAU.


TECH Nominates Recognized Researcher in Climate, Urban Sustainability and Agriculture for Honorary Doctorate at AAU

Lagt online: 10.04.2024

The Technical Faculty of IT and Design has selected Cynthia Rosenzweig, Professor at Barnard College and Senior Scientist at NASA, USA, for an honorary doctorate at AAU.

By Marianne Fuglsang Welling Farsinsen, AAU Communication and Public Affairs. Photo: Kisha Bari

Professor Cynthia Rosenzweig is an internationally leading researcher in climate, urban sustainability and agriculture. Her research focuses on climate change, particularly in agricultural production where, for example, the role of agriculture in land use is pivotal.

In 2022, Cynthia was honoured with the prestigious World Food Prize for her pioneering contribution to understanding and predicting the effects of climate and food system interactions. In addition, she was co-chair of the New York City Panel on Climate Change and was the lead author on Working Group 2 (WGII) of the IPCC's Fourth Main Report (AR4) that was recognized with the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize along with Al Gore.

A strong collaboration

The collaboration between Aalborg University and Cynthia Rosenzweig started more than 13 years ago, first through Columbia University Earth Institute and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree program, and subsequently through the Master's programme "Cities and Sustainability" at the Department of Sustainability and Planning (PLAN) at Aalborg University.

Through the strong collaboration, more than 15 interns, master's thesis students and PhD students from Aalborg University have had the opportunity to further their studies in climate change and urban development in a world-leading research environment under the unique guidance of Cynthia Rosenzweig.

"It is a great honour that Professor Cynthia Rosenzweig has been selected for  an honorary doctorate, and I look forward to her visiting the department and giving a keynote on 18 April, followed by some exciting panel discussions. Here at PLAN, we greatly appreciate the collaboration we have had with Columbia University Earth Institute on our degree programmes, but also the hospitality and knowledge that she has shared with interns, Master's thesis students and PhD students from AAU", says Anne Merrild Hansen, Professor and Head of Department in the Department of Sustainability and Planning.

Professor Cynthia Rosenzweig will be awarded the honorary doctorate at Aalborg University at the celebration of the university's 50th anniversary on 19 April 2024 in Musikkens Hus in Aalborg.

Guest lecture 18 April 2024

Professor Cynthia Rosenzweig will give a guest lecture on climate research on 18 April, 9.00-12.00. Students, staff and collaborators are welcome. Attendance is both in-person and online. Read more here